logo  Thornton Family Genealogy Home

This web area contains the database of my family ancestors. If you would like to see more, please send e-mail.

You may start with my page Thornton, Thomas Lee (1953-present)

Look at my grandson's ancestry chart.

Here are some descendant reports:

These are the base surnames in this ancestry:
Gyde, Klickmann, Lawson, Morse, Olmsted, and Thornton.

You can also find surnames alphabetically by their first letter:
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - - V - W - Y - Z - _ - d

There are 451 main entries in this website, from 487 in my database, last updated 29 June 2008.

Tom Thornton
E-mail:  tom t (all one word) at tlthornton dot name
Home Page:
Generated by the LifeLines Genealogical System on 29 June 2008.
Copyright © 2008 by Thomas L. Thornton, All Rights Reserved.